
Idealog leads online user purchasing

Pimms all round! We’re mighty chuffed for our friends at Idealog for being top in a Nielsen analysis for September.


It’s a slightly more complex market intelligence though; showing which sites have the highest percentage of their traffic consisting of people who have purchased from any website during September.

Of all the online purchasers, the greatest percentage was looking at Idealog. Is this indicative of its comprehensive creative services directory? Indeed, it was named the MPA’s 2009 NZ business website of the year and business magazine of the year 2007–2009. But for clarity, it has to be said they had almost nine times less unique browsers overall than Gameplanet, which is number 10 on the list.

nappies_direct_nzIt’s encouraging that innovation news and home-delivered nappies are at the top. It suggests a business-orientated and busy-mum demographic.

Computer-related sites are looking healthy: CIO, Reseller News and PC World all have links to each other too, which must help sales. Gameplanet’s high number of hits compared to buyers obviously points towards an enthused and lusting clientele.

The Deal and Women’s Phone Book have made impressive inroads into the general shopping market. Lots of good specials to be had on The Deal’s easy-to-navigate site, shame its About page is a bunch of gobbledegook. Literally. The Women’s Phone Book is “New Zealand’s only comprehensive dedicated national directory of businesses where women go directly to search for a business with an intention to purchase.” Hits the nail on the head.


So Honda is the top car brand for online purchases. Does that mean we’ll see more of them on the road or just Hondas with new parts that have been fixed?

Well done Vorb, a site devoted to “tens of thousands of mad keen cyclists, trampers, climbers, paddlers and other nefarious creatures”. Vorb has won Best Sports and Recreation Site at the People’s Choice Netguide Web Awards for the last four years. Grow a fan community; grow a market for niche products.


Top website visitors purchasing online, unique browsers (ranked by % of each website audience matching those respondents who have purchased online on any site in the month of September)

  1. idealog.co.nz – 56.6%, 2799 UBs
  2. nappies.co.nz ­– 56.5%, 4031 UBs
  3. cio.co.nz – 54.6%, 2993 UBs
  4. thedeal.co.nz – 49.5%, 11,244 UBs
  5. resellernews.co.nz – 48.2%, 4219 UBs
  6. pcworld.co.nz – 48.2%, 24,872 UBs
  7. womensphonebook.co.nz – 47.3%, 2894 UBs
  8. honda.co.nz – 46.9%, 6243 UBs
  9. vorb.org.nz – 46.8%, 11,288 UBs
  10. gameplanet.co.nz – 46.7%, 28,082 UBs

Source: Nielsen NZ Market Intelligence, NZ domestic traffic for September.

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