From the watery depths arises a new Sealord logo

There’s something about logos that seems to spike people’s interest. The new Z Energy logo is testament to that and now it’s the turn of Sealord to show off its new corporate identity, unveiling it at the annual Maori Fisheries Conference in Nelson on Monday.

Like the Z Energy logo, Sealord also utilised its staff base and focus groups to hone in on the finalised version. Sealord communications manager Alison Sykora says there was “lots of consultation” carried out around focus groups, which were comprised of staff and stakeholders. Maori artist Derek Lardelli developed ideas from the feedback and responded with some visual briefs, which were then opened up to further feedback, including that from Sealord chief executive Graham Stuart. The whole process took over a year, and Sealord says the end result is much more than just a new logo.

“Sealord’s people have spent time developing our story—we have a proud history and we’ve been able to capture this and have a common understanding of yesterday, today and tomorrow,” says Stuart.

“Sealord’s new corporate identity reflects our values and our responsibility to the ocean that is so integral to our success.”

The new logo…

…versus the old


Although Sealord is a 50/50 venture between Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd and Japanese fishing company Nissui, the new logo is 100 percent Kiwi in its look, something Sealord communications manager Alison Sykora says is intentional.

“The intent is to reflect New Zealand as we are predominantly a New Zealand company.”

Sealord says the logo represents the company’s affinity with the Tangata Whenua and with the seas that surround them. Elements include:

  • Moana: Sea, ocean blue
  • Paua: Resilient and hardy
  • Toropapa: Sprit of adventure
  • Koru: Growth and prosperity
  • Whatu o Tangaroa: Eye of Sealord
  • Kotaratara: Structured and organised

With $500 million worth of seafood delivered to over 30 countries per year, the new corporate identity will be gradually rolled out across Sealord’s range of packaging, stationery, signage and vessels, with a new website going live in June.



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