Delmaine returns to TV after a decade, goes into great detail about its goodness

It’s been around ten years since Delmaine Fine Foods has advertised its wares on TV. But, in what national sales and marketing manager Nicky Morton says is an attempt to attract new users to the brand, it’s back on the box again with a campaign that features the line ‘it’s not easy being this good’. ​

The 45 second ad, which was created by &some through creative director Richard Maddocks and shot by OnDigital with Jesse Warn on directorial duties, follows an overly enthusiastic Delmaine employee, who discusses in great, rather annoying detail the lengths the company goes to to create its products. 

Morton says New Zealanders are increasingly engaging with brands and, as a result, private labels and home brands are in decline (an article in Stuff from 2011 estimated home brands from the two major supermarket chains made up around 15-16 percent of the market, compared to 17-18 percent in Australia and the mid-40 percent range in the UK).

“We operate in a lot of segments within a store, so we’re trying to create a bigger brand. People want more from their brands these days. They care about what they eat. They care about what’s in their food and they expect good, big brands to educate them about that.”

Provenance and health and nutrition are key consumer drivers in the supermarket these days. And the evolving foodie culture (recent figures from Paymark showed a 15 percent increase in money spent on specialty foods such as organic and gluten-free) is also working in its favour. So the campaign aims to tap into that increasing demand for quality products.

The company was set up over 30 years ago to, as the website says, “take advantage of the untapped potential for high quality European food products”. Beginning with olives and sundried tomatoes, which were common in Europe but virtually unknown in New Zealand at the time, the range of foods has built up gradually and the company, which has been under its current ownership for around ten years, now has products in over 45 segments.

Ten years ago, she says the company turned over $20 million. But that has grown to $75 million today, 85 percent of which is in the New Zealand market. It has plans to expand its range, and also the countries it exports to. 

“It doesn’t pay to keep all your eggs in one basket,” she says.

At present she says it’s number one in four out of the five major segments it operates it, and those five segments are where it gets most of its growth.

The campaign stretches into digital, with Gibson Rusden taking care of that area. And it also works with Tangible Media for its print advertising.


Agency: &some

Account Manager: Christine Mata

Creative Director: Richard Maddocks

Production Company: OnDigital

Executive Producers: Roger MacDonnell & Mike Hutcheson

Producer: Kathryn Quirk

Director Jesse Warn

DOP: Aaron Morton

Client: Delmaine Fine Foods

Marketing Manager: Nicky Morton

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