DDB banks on universal truisms

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DDB’s brand TVC relaunch campaign for ANZ empathises with everyday New Zealanders and aims to demonstrate the bank “lives in their world”. Awww, those caring banks. The ads were shot by local director Adam Stevens from Robbers Dog and were filmed in and around Auckland (check out the other two spots here and here).

DDB NZ executive creative director Toby Talbot says the agency worked with ANZ to identify a fundamental human need for banking to be simpler and more people-focused in a world that’s becoming increasingly complicated and cold. “The Perfect World campaign was inspired by universal truisms, insights and observations about people, their day to day lives, and the way they look at and feel about the  real world around them. And if there’s any one truth that’s pertinent for today, it’s the truth that the world’s not a perfect one.”

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