The Comms Council alongside Strategic Planning Lab founders Murray Streets and Dan West have announced a new mini-series, Voices of Effectiveness. The online series is set to help promote effective campaigns from agencies of all sizes.
The global pandemic has brought forward our need to show support to businesses of all sizes, and the Comms Council alongside Murray Streets and Dan West have found a new way to do just that.
Voices of Effectiveness is a collaboration by the three to feature campaigns which highlight great thinking and effective work for campaigns lesser-known and to give a voice in the name of support.
The mini-series, Streets says, was a proactive idea to support the industry after they had to postpone this year’s Comms Council Strategic Planning Lab after Day 1 due to the virus concerns.
He says effectiveness is a core focus of the event, but without that, they turned to a new way to help smaller agencies stand out amongst bigger, global peers and focus on their own effectiveness.
“The bigger network agencies have greater resources to promote their effectiveness and the value of their work for clients whereas smaller agencies and independents can get a bit lost in the effectiveness ‘arms race’ each year when it comes to awards. So we decided to reach out to some of these agencies to give them a voice and a chance to discuss the impact of their work. And to help others learn about effective work, with which they weren’t so familiar.”

The driving factor around this initiative is professional development not only for the individual but to build profile for our wider industry, while Streets says the lessons to be gained from these profiles can help at all levels.
“Effectiveness is something that you don’t need a huge strategy or planning department to design for. We can all create more effective work and thus more value for clients if we approach creativity in insightful ways. I also think we’ll learn something about building trusted client relationships and creating a culture of effectiveness.”
Streets, who will also be MC of the mini-series, says importance comes from the need to voice great work, no matter the size of the agency who creates it.
“Advertising must step up once again and make the case for its value. Giving a voice to the great work done by agencies across New Zealand from which we can all learn seemed to be a way we could help support the wider industry. So we set out to talk to agencies and showcase work that doesn’t typically feature at the EFFIEs, awards still tend to be dominated by bigger network agencies.”
The series opens with Chris Williams, CEO KingSt Advertising Hamilton/Tauranga, sharing insights into campaign work his agency has successfully delivered.