BNZ plays the morbid reality card in new Kiwisaver campaign – UPDATED

“I’m gonna work til I die”. These cheery lyrics intro four songs making up BNZ Bank’s latest Kiwisaver ad campaign, created by Colenso BBDO.

There’s a different ad for builders, dentists, cleaners and management types, with the lyrics for the minute-long songs reflecting the challenges of each profession.

I’m gonna be a builder til I’m 94,
Knocking down walls and laying floors.

A StopPress reader says the ads have aired on The Rock and Hauraki last week, although at the time they were unbranded. BNZ says the ads will appear across The Radio Network and Mediaworks stations, with support by online banner advertising. The campaign is planned for six weeks.

BNZ’s site today features the Work Til You Die campaign with a page showing Kiwisaver information and a handy sign up button for customers to get onto the bank’s scheme.

The ads portray a bleak outlook but one many New Zealanders will have to face, argues BNZ.

“There’s no guarantee that New Zealand Superannuation will provide for you at its current levels when it’s your time to retire”, says the bank on its wesbite.

Lyrics: Jesse Stevens, Steve Cochran, Nick Worthington and Jim Hall

Composer: Jim Hall

Music Producer: Jonathan Hughes

UPDATE: StopPress commenter James points out a striking similarity between the BNZ songs and those featured in a video for Melbourne Metro, created by McCann Melbourne. We are seeking further comment from Colenso. Do you think the songs feel or sound similar?

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