Beef & Lamb NZ puts the focus on Kiwi young’uns

Beef & Lamb New Zealand has ignored the advertising adage of not working with kids in a new campaign by TVNZ Blacksand that features a collection of adorable children explaining what they would like to be when they grow up.       

While previous Beef & Lamb campaigns have focused on profiling the quality mark on New Zealand grown meat, this year ‘Way to Grow’, focuses on the issues surrounding nutrition.

Beef & Lamb New Zealand marketing manager, Ashley Gray, says there is a “bombardment of information” today around food trends and diets, so Beef & Lamb wanted to reassure families that they “could go back to basics and it doesn’t have to be difficult”.

“A diet that includes meat, and beef and lamb in particular, is what our grandparents ate and if it’s good enough for them it’s good enough for us today.”

To get the message across Gray says they looked across past campaigns and found the ‘Kids Love Mince’ ad from 10 years ago was particularly well received.

“When we show people that ad they say ‘oh, I remember it, I remember the cute little boy’.”

The ad’s unscripted child star, was the inspiration behind ‘Way to grow’, to show that whatever their goals are, kids need nutrition to grow big and strong.

Rather than seeking the talent through agencies, Grey says a casting call went out to the industry, including retailers, farmers and the processors, for them to submit home videos of their children.

20 children were then selected to attend the one-day shoot at Avondale Primary where they spent the day playing and answering questions in front of the camera. Included in the questions was “what do you want to be when you grow up”, resulting in hours of unscripted little gems from the children, says Gray.

The campaign launched on 8 February, a week before the second edition of National Lamb day founded by Beef & Lamb New Zealand.

“Lamb is a big part of Kiwi culture and we felt that we could have a day of celebration of it”

Celebrated on February 15, it’s the anniversary of the first shipment of frozen mutton to London in 1882 which Gray says was a pivotal moment for New Zealand’s export industry.

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