What’s in a name? M&C vs. S&S—UPDATED

It used to be that everyone wanted to be like Saatchi & Saatchi. But, after the recent Telecom debacle, one agency has even resorted to taking out print ads out to ensure no-one gets confused. 

In today’s Herald, on the same page as a full run-down on the own goal, M&C Saatchi placed an ad that said:

Clarification. M&C Saatchi is not Saatchi & Saatchi.

We are the agency formed by Maurice and Charles Saatchi when they left Saathci & Saatchi over 15 years ago. We are also an agency that would never ask New Zealanders to abstain from sex during the Rugby World Cup, or any other time for that matter.

We wish the All Blacks every success and hope that every loving couple has a wonderful time during the six weeks and beyond.

Should your organisation want to start a loving relationship with a new agency, please call Darryn Melrose on 09 307 1166.

Melrose said the decision was made to run the ad because there was quite a bit of confusion yesterday, both from journalists and even among some of its own clients. He said some of the marketing teams had to defend them when management demanded they sack them for “doing that horrible campaign”.

“In this market there’s been a bit of confusion. And this is not a good week to be confused with them.”

He says it’s not about jumping on the bandwagon for or against, it’s part of a very clear objective to distance itself from Saatchi & Saatchi.

“We like to think we’re the real Saatchis,” he says.

Durex also added its name to the growing list of organisations trying to capitalise on the unfortunate campaign with a full page ad that featured in the same section. And Radiation’s Jill Brinsdon wasn’t backward in coming forward about her thoughts on the matter, likening Telecom to a recently divorced uncle who’s gone off the rails when she was interviewed on Breakfast this morning.

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