Drool from consumers, publishers, art directors all over iPad

Hark! The iPad hath been released, the feverish purchasing (300,000 on its first day in the US, Apple says) hath begun and the opining, reviewing, analysing and critiquing of one of the world’s most talked about devices is well underway. And, overall, it seems the opining, reviewing, analysing and critiquing of this ‘game changing’ gadget has been very positive.

Apple devotees would probably buy a lump of coal if Steve Jobs stuck a logo on it and organised a product launch. But the iPad isn’t just coveted by consumers. It has also had publishers dribbling for the last few months because the thought of optimising publications for the tablet medium means they might soon be able to tap into a new and possibly quite lucrative revenue stream (read Chris Keall’s take on the launch and its implications for a publication like the NBR here). And, at a time when print is under fire, finding readers who are prepared to pay for content through an iPad magazine application undoubtedly warms the cockles.

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This ‘revolution’ will have many consequences for the media industry and this impressive demonstration of the Time, GQ and Popular Science magazine iPad apps (check out the early efforts from Wired and Sports Illustrated here) hints at what the new technology might mean for art direction. It certainly seems more useful than a magazine in 3D or an augmented reality gimmick. And this technology also means you can do this.

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