Google names Stephanie Davis new country manager for New Zealand

Google has confirmed that New Zealand country manager Tony Keusgen has been replaced by Stephanie Davis.

After leading the local arm of the business for four years, Keusgen stepped into country manager position in Indonesia, vacated in March by Rudy Ramay, who now serves as vice chairman of e-commerce company  

“It’s an honor to work in one of the most important markets for Google,” Keusgen was quoted as saying in an official statement. “As one of the Southeast Asian countries with the highest growing number of smartphone users, Indonesia has helped drive a big change in the industry.”

With a population of nearly 250 million living across an archipelago of over 18,000 islands, Indonesia will present some very different challenges to those Keusgen faced in the local market. 

According to Google’s Consumer Barometer, smartphone penetration in Indonesia rose from 14 percent in 2013 to 43 percent in 2015. Despite this growth, the percentage of people accessing the internet for personal reasons dropped from 23 to 20 percent from 2014 to 2015. 

Locally, Davis inherits a more mature mobile and online market, with 72 percent of Kiwis owning a smartphone and 77 percent accessing the internet daily for reasons other than work.

Davis is currently located in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she previously worked as Google’s managing industry director for travel and was responsible for some of Google’s largest travel partnerships. She will relocate to New Zealand in the coming months. 

She first joined Google in 2006 as the head of publisher partnership and has since held a number of senior roles at the organisation.   

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