Judges underwhelmed with newspaper ‘badvertising’

The 2010/2011 rotation of the Newspaper Advertising Bureau’s (NAB) Newspaper Ad of the Month competition has begun and it’s off to a spluttering start, with the guest judges for June shaking their heads, waggling their fingers, furrowing their brows and deciding the quality of the entries wasn’t good enough to award a winner.

Dave King from M&C Saatchi, Kim Pick from Rapp and Janelle Herrick from .99, were the chosen ones and, not surprisingly, this month’s newspapers contained ideas centred around the Football World Cup.

“Ads relied on the topicality of the World Cup but without the creativity we wanted to see. Overall no ads this month stood out for great utilisation of the medium,” the judges said.

Always optimistic, however, the NAB believes the decision not to award the monthly prize “sets a high standard for future months in the 12-month competition”. In last year’s rotation, there was one month where a winner wasn’t chosen.

Speaking of last year, the $10,000 2009/10 Newspaper Ad of the Year winner will be revealed on 15 July at Hopetoun Alpha in Auckland, with international advertising juggernaut Chuck Porter, co-chairman of Crispin Porter + Bogusky USA, performing the chairman of judges role.

Colenso has three finalists (you can check out all the contenders here) and there are also two Aussie efforts in the finals.

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