A nice touch

Marketing doesn’t always have to shouted onto a television screen, splurged across the pages of a mailer or hammered into a Gmail inbox. Sometimes, the most effective marketing comes instead as a subtle suggestion.

As was discovered by a member of the Tangible Media business team, sometimes this suggestion can take the form of a friendly email, which in this instance came from Powershop asking a customer moving out of a home to remember to leave important information—such as the rubbish day, neighbours’ names, best local takeaway and the nearest dairy—for the next person moving in. 

Here’s the email:

“It’s said that moving house is one of the top 5 most stressful things you  can do in your life.  We also know you will have hundreds of things to do  right now.  To ease the pain and tick off one of the things on your to-do  list, we’ve attached a PDF for you to fill out and leave behind for the  new people moving into your house.

It lets them know some essentials like where they should forward your  mail to, rubbish day and a few non-essentials like your recommendation on  the best local takeaway.  Simply print the attachment, fill it out and leave on the bench for the new people.

If the new people moving into your house sign up to Powershop we’ll credit your Powershop account with $25.00 once their switch is complete to say thanks!

Good luck with your move.

Thanks – The Powershop Crew.”

And here’s the PDF form:

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