1. Favourite local campaign that isn’t yours
The hands-down winner for me was Spark’s Generation Voice – such a beautiful insight into our relationship with children and their relationship with connectivity.
2. Favourite campaign that is yours
We had a great time creating Stuff Fibre’s Fastify your Wi-Fi campaign. Not only did it move the dial in the right direction, but it also answered the important question: “If my Wi-Fi was an animal, what animal would it be?”
Stuff Fibre from Studio Local on Vimeo.
We’re also about to launch a new campaign for Stuff Fibre so keep an eye out for a carrot-wielding robot on a screen near you.
3. Favourite international campaign
Might not be officially ‘international’ but Lynx Australia’s ‘It’s all about the confidence’ campaign made me smile every time. It was beautifully written and featured a brilliant cast. Full of tension, intrigue and a swathe of trans-Tasman in-jokes, I seriously considered swapping my grown-up smellies for a can of Kiwi magic.
4. Least favourite campaign
Don’t remember…
5. Your own biggest success
Nailing work-life balance. Our families are our most important customers.
6. Most significant launch/innovation/thing of the year
Voice. I type slowly, so barking commands at my devices saves me time and typos. However, I’ll be using my manners in 2019, as the bots are coming and I’d prefer they were friendly.
7. What should be un-invented?
8. Lamest trend
Life hacks. No, I haven’t been doing it wrong all this time.
9. Best brands
Flight Coffee, Good George Brewing, Eco Store, Air New Zealand.
10. Best stoush
The Stuff comments section.
11. Heroes
Jacinda. For breaking down walls, not building them.
12. Villains
Auckland drivers. Seriously, scooters are people too.
13. What died in 2018?
The 8×5 working week. Flexitime, working from home, couch-creative – whatever you call it, it’s working.
14. What’s the biggest mistake marketers will make in 2019?
Not listening to the MC at the Marketing Awards. They get really irate when you chat with your clients.
15. How far in our future do you think The Handmaid’s Tale is?
Things of that nature are thankfully in the past. The new dystopia is The Handyman’s Tale, where Fathers are forced to drag their kids through Bunnings every Saturday morning searching for curtain hooks and potting mix.