What’s Next? Lorraine Breheny

We asked some stalwarts a simple question. Here’s what Lorraine Breheny, general manager of marketing at The Warehouse, had to say.

I’m thinking about how fast being ‘Kiwi’ is changing at the moment. The changing age profile of our population, family size and make up, increased urban/rural skews, the diversity of people thanks to accelerating immigration, increased access to and consumption of the internet, social media, real time information… None of this is brand new, but it is speeding up. And with some of those changes will come needs or opportunities for different types of products and services, different ways to communicate them and different channels to get them to the customer.

It’s all exciting stuff and calls for ongoing learning and lots of agility. I think as we continue to see our population rapidly evolve, we’ll also see successful businesses do the same. And the trick will be focusing on the stuff that will make a real difference for Kiwis. Making it easier for them to interact with businesses, easier for them find what they’re looking for and easier for them to feedback on how they found the experience.

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This post was created by one of the small but mighty StopPress team of journalists. Among their number are: Zahra Shahtahmasebi, Niko Kloeten, Penny Murray and occasionally Bernadette Basagre.

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