TVCs of the Week: 8 October

Who’s it for: DB Export Gold by Colenso BBDO and Finch

Why we like it: In the tradition of some of the world’s finest beer ads—and along similar lines to the top notch DB Export ads of the past year and a bit—this tale about a man and his perfect canine excuse is completely absurd and pretty bloody funny. 

Who’s it for: Sky by DDB and Ruskin

Why we like it: A change of tack for Sky, which has moved away from humour and towards drama with this new brand ad. And it’s an intriguing, high quality spot that does a good job of showing the wide range of content it offers. 

Who’s it for: Steinlager by DDB and The Sweet Shop

Why we like it: You’re not likely to stop people drinking to excess with boring, preachy government messages. And people also seem to be desensitised to PSA shock tactics. But you might be able to change behaviour if you use a loved brand to try and make those people who drink to excess a laughing stock. 

Who’s it for: Trade Me by WhybinTBWA and The Sweet Shop

Why we like it: Like some kind of mad Michel Gondry music video, Trade Me shows off its quirkiness in a rare TV appearance that aims to draw attention to the availability of new goods with a bit of edgy humour.  

Who’s it for: Telecom by Saatchi & Saatchi and The Sweet Shop

Why we like it: Oooh, pretty colours. 

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