Show us your fish, reel in vast fish-related treasure

As everyone knows, fishermen love nothing more than gloating about the monsters of the deep they’ve reeled in and, when they aren’t grossly exaggerating the size of aforementioned monsters, they occasionally even provide evidence of their catch. There are plenty of passionate rod wielders in the marcomms sector so if you’ve caught a few pearlers recently or plan on doing so in the next year, then Fishing Legends, a new competition created by our mates at NZ Fishing World, could bring you a vast array of fish-related riches. And all you have to do is upload photos and videos of your moment of glory to the Fishing Legends website.

Registered visitors can vote for the best fishing video each month, with the highest rating entry winning fishing tackles, power tools and cameras. At the end of the year the 12 monthly winners all go in the draw to win a truly massive prize that can’t quite be announced.

The first 50 people to upload a file will receive a free subscription to NZ Fishing World. So, as the slogan says, become a legend, not a liar and start posting those catches.

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This post was created by one of the small but mighty StopPress team of journalists. Among their number are: Zahra Shahtahmasebi, Niko Kloeten, Penny Murray and occasionally Bernadette Basagre.

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