RUN, the Māori owned creative agency specialising in cultural advertising and design, and FCB Aotearoa, are joining forces in a formal long term partnership.
In the spirit of mana motuhake, each agency will retain its own independence and status but work closely together to strengthen both agency’s offerings.
Raymond Otene McKay and Laura Cibilich, Co-Founders of RUN, says the agency is excited about the partnership as it is a win-win for both agencies.
“For us at RUN we get to draw upon global network agency resource, with a variety of specialist services as we grow, while maintaining our unique lens and rangatiratanga. Likewise, FCB are able to utilise our specialist capability to imbue genuine te ao Māori and advertising creativity into comms for clients.”
Sean Keaney, Managing Director FCB Wellington, says the team have had “really open and at times challenging kōrero” with RUN to get to get to a “mutually beneficial and equal partnership with a shared purpose”.
The partnership is also based on a mutual respect, with everyone holding a place at the table from the outset, having the permission and freedom to contribute to and shape the kaupapa.
Leisa Wall, Executive Creative Director at FCB, says : “This finally feels like authentic co-design to me. Raymond and I have known each other for years so when we work on projects together there’s always a feeling of being in a safe space which is critical when you’re creating something unique. To be able to make mistakes and learn from them you have be surrounded by people who are pono (true, honest).”
Clients such as NZ Police, the Electoral Commission and Four Square (FoodStuffs) are already benefitting from the partnership.