The return of Terry, the bi bipolar polar bear

When Terry the Bi Bipolar Polar Bear first appeared online five years ago, he “was a minor internet hit amongst bi’s, bipolars and bears”. And now, thanks to creator/writer/performer Jeremy Dillon, Pukeko Pictures and Yukfoo Animation, he’s back—and he’s better than ever. 

Terry has been given a new hairstyle and design makeover, but he’s still self-absorbed, uber-flouncy and prone to extreme mood swings. 

Yukfoo’s Glen Real says it was one of those “cross-pollinations between getting paid and doing it for the love of it” and Yukfoo’s Alex Dron says animating him is very different from animating TVCs.

“He can be a bit hard to handle at times and his tendency to exit abruptly leads to some uncomfortable silences but I keep being reassured by Jeremy that it’ll all be worth it.” 

The team will be releasing a new episode every week over the next couple of months on the YouTube channel. And they have high hopes that Terry will “become the biggest thing in webisode entertainment”. 

He already has one fan: “Glad to see a new one! Now, GO TO HELL!’, said Dennis-Michael Broussard on YouTube. To which Terry replied: ‘I’m pleased to hear it YOU SON OF A BITCH!’

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