Red Bull gives its can Warriors’ wings

We’ve had Vegemite and Cadbury, and L&P and Whittaker’s. And now we’ve got Red Bull and the Vodafone Warriors, with the pair coming together in a clever sponsorship activation to produce a specially-designed Red Bull can.

Red Bull says this is the first time it has collaborated with another company and created a custom-made can. And it was probably made easier given both brands work with Special Group, which was behind the Warriors’ recent 20th anniversary campaign. 

Red Bull signed up as a sponsor of the Warriors in 2013 and the can features the renowned Pukana face, which the site says shows the “true warrior spirit”; the word “loyalty” as a tribute to fans backing the team; and korus to represent the club’s past, present and future. The overall design is based on a tattoo, which Red Bull says is appropriate given many of the team’s fans and players sport them. And New Zealand artist Dave Burke, who has also designed many of the team’s jerseys, was behind the design. 

And while we couldn’t help but notice a faux pas on its holding page when it tagged the Warriors can campaign under ‘rugby’, the site for the special can, which also features an explanation of the idea and number of video clips of Warriors players, is impressive. 

Not surprisingly, given the pride fans have in their team, many seem to have taken warmly to the idea on social media, with most praising the design. 

Thankfully, they didn’t try conjuring up a flavour to represent the Warriors. If they did it may have been a combination of “sweat and Deep Heat“. 

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