New Tauranga CBD branding says ‘Locals. Love it!’ But will they?

Local brand and marketing company Tuskany Agency last week unveiled its new vision and strategy for downtown Tauranga, including a new logo (which at first glance seems reminisce of the Microsoft logo) and the positioning statement: “Locals. Love it!”. But when it comes to the actual logo and slogan itself —as seems to be the inevitable case in almost every brand redesign— not everyone actually loves it.


According to Tuskany, the new strategy is a response to the Mainstreet Board’s vision to reposition the city centre by identifying what makes downtown Tauranga unique and creating an energised new platform that showcases the diverse range of offerings in the city.

The overall campaign, which makes its public debut from 9 July, culminates in a mix of medias, a new interactive website, email and social media platforms, with Tuskany is hoping it will encourage active participation by downtown Tauranga businesses.

Tuskany brand strategist Sally Cooke says the new look and slogan captures “the very essence of Downtown Tauranga”.

“The new logo and slogan will be used in a dynamic new marketing campaign that allows us to profile the many local identities who are passionate about this city and showcases the unique mix of retail, business, food, entertainment, art and culture we have Downtown Tauranga. Our strategy also encourages collaboration between all city centre stakeholders and businesses and captures a new energy and passion which is what the board wanted and what the city needs,” she says.

In describing the elements of the new logo, Tuskany calls it “energetic, multi-faceted, vibrant, modern and sophisticated” and offers this overall description:

“This logo represents the many elements and layers of our city, it conveys strength and with its strong, clean colours, portrays energy/movement. The icon, font and overall brand identity encapsulates the passion we want to build into Downtown Tauranga.”

As for feedback, you be the judge, but one Tauranga creative who contacted Design Daily says it’s “another failed attempt to ‘brand’ our CBD” adding that it does not help the cause of agencies in Tauranga who are “trying very hard to raise the level of design”.








More about the design:

The icon

  • Conveys the tapestry of the city (shopping, commerce, art, culture, food etc)
  • The colours tie into the other marketing collateral and speak to the different offerings Downtown Tauranga
  • Additionally the icon is colourful to capture passion, energy, warmth & vitality
  • The icon conveys movements, leads you down a path (street), takes you on a journey of experiences
  • The shadow adds depth. The icon casts a shadow because it has dimension – by casting a shadow we are subliminally saying Downtown Tauranga has substance and layers.

Font and colour

  • “Downtown” is multi level and this has been represented in the modified font
  • Tauranga is in capitals to ensure there is a strong and clear destination to ‘Downtown’
  • The font is White on Black or Black on white – simple, clean, sophisticated, strong
  • Red has been used as the main accent colour on the icon to match to the “Locals. Love it” to achieve synergy in design and to ensure the full logo identity becomes one strong, cohesive brand identity

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