Motion Sickness saves Christmas via Santa QR Cookies

As sun deprived agency folk re-emerge from their dimly lit tech dungeons and clients vacate their ivory towers for the white sands of Omaha, Motion Sickness aren’t taking any risks. 

In a year ravaged by uncertainty, cancelled shoots and lacklustre Zoom calls, creative agency Motion Sickness have baked up something to get out of bed for.

For decades, Christmas hopefuls have lured Santa into their homes with milk and cookies. A new normal of relentless sanitising, mask wearing and generalised droplet anxiety left this Xmas tradition in peril.

With the long tail of delta wrapping itself around everything in its path, the preservation of a wholesome 2021 Christmas was paramount. 

Motion Sickness Creative, Will Macdonald says: “Given the events of the past year, it’s understandable that people might feel apprehensive about welcoming strangers back into their homes, let alone a paunch-bellied old man down their chimneys. With this in mind, we wanted to ensure Santa’s sack contains nil but joy.”

Contained within the box is a artisan biscuit and a directive for Saint Nick to follow Covid protocol. The scannable QR cookie not only ensures that people can Santa safely this year, but each box also represents a $40 donation to the Auckland Foundation COVID-19 Community Response Fund.

Motion Sickness Chief Christmas Officer, Sam Stuchbury adds: “Let us be your Bloomfield as you sleep peacefully through the night, before Santa fills your stocking with everything you ever wished for.”

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