In our semi-non-regular (regular?) hexagonally-themed question and answer section devoted to helping you find out more about some of the Heppest Cats in the Kiwi marcomms industry, we go in for the probe with Nick Fracture.
Name and title: Nick Fracture, creative director.
Company name: Fracture
No. of staff: Seven
Offices in NZ: The Auckland Lair
1. Notable clients:
Jasmax, Charlies, faceOff, Citta Design, Vonu Pure Lager, Workshop, Saatchi & Saatchi, Fearon Hay, Pattersons, Misery.
2. Sell yourself in a sentence:
Design domination!
3. Campaign you’re most proud of:
The launch of a really cool new sports product into the USA. We were involved from the very start in helping develop the brand, look and feel, and we created the website that all their marketing is focused around. It’s a really well developed, honest product that we really believe in, and we were proud to be involved. Check out in the coming weeks – we’re keen to hear what you think.
4. If TV isn’t dead, why?
TV isn’t dead yet, but it’s extremely limited: 30 seconds is not a lot of time to impart anything meaningful. For this reason TV ads tend to be pretty fluffy. What will become much more important really soon is what companies do, rather than what they say.
5. The future of advertising is:
We hope that the future will see companies making products where the bulk of advertising budget is in fact spent on R&D instead of advertising. This means taking pains (and yes, it is painstaking) to create products that are fundamentally better and more useful to the world. When you innovate, people get excited all by themselves and the word spreads. This has to be preferable to just repackaging the same old shit and trying to dress it up in a glossy zillion dollar TV campaign.
Where we fit into that is creating avenues where people can inform themselves about the product (or indeed, the whole product category) to help them make their decision. And nothing beats the web for quick, centralised information. Combine that with brand-sponsored initiatives that give something back to their market and you’ve suddenly got a proposition that’s really worth getting excited about.
6. Dream account you haven’t got yet:
This is a tough question … we’re pretty open to all sorts of projects. Dream account would be to promote a great company with great ideas, an open attitude towards trying new ideas and a desire to do some good.
Know someone else in the marcomms sector who deserves a probing? Send in your suggestions to [email protected] and you will be rewarded with a selection of rare jewels and ancient artefacts*.
*Prize may not exist.