The Generosity Journal: Ben Rose

When I was asked to talk about a competitor that I rated, Z Energy head of marketing Jane Anthony immediately sprang to mind. You may not think we are competitors, but I beg to differ.

We both work in categories unused to disruption, love a big challenge and are competing for the love and preference of New Zealanders.

She understands that brand isn’t just a logo and some ads; it is everything that an organisation does which informs people’s perceptions of it.

Jane and her team executed a brave brand strategy during a difficult trading period. They faced an enormous challenge in a category that was driven by convention. And, within one year, they created one of New Zealand’s most trusted brands (according to Reader’s Digest) from scratch, boosted profits and redefined the business.

By asking customers what they wanted from the very beginning, they have created an iconic brand with a relentless focus on customer experience matched with a strong retail offering.

As we all know, it’s all well and good to have a great brand strategy, but it’s the execution that takes it off a PowerPoint slide and transforms a business. Z Energy’s execution across both retail and brand activity is very impressive, and it keeps hitting the mark.

The brilliance of a strong brand strategy backed by an entire organisation is that it provides a filter for every action. Z Energy gets this and delivers on every promise it makes. From forecourt concierges to letting customers pay at the pump they make the whole experience seamless and easy.

I’m sure their 230,000 Facebook followers would agree.

If Sovereign were a gas company I’d like it to be like Z Energy. 

  • The One Percent Collective is all about a lot of people giving a little to make it easier for its selected charities (and charities in general). It could be, for example, donating one percent of your total income, one percent of the door takings from an event or one percent commission on a month’s sales. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be financial. It’s also looking for people to donate time, expertise and awareness to the cause, so check out some of the ways individuals, artists and businesses can help here.  

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