DDB, Paw Justice stir up the interweb with anti-drug testing message – UPDATED

DDB has teamed with Paw Justice in a campaign that asks Kiwis to spread opposition to a recent law allowing party pills to be tested on animals.

The campaign site asked people to get as far away from lolcats as possible by putting the strike message on their animal-related blogs, YouTube channels and other social media pages. The companies say the petition got slightly more than 58,000 signatures.

 The campaign had thousands of Facebook shares and retweets and #animalstrike has trended on Twitter.

The website offered an HTML page for bloggers to swap out for their home page, a video that can be uploaded to people’s own Youtube accounts, and an image that can be used as a Facebook or Twitter profile picture.

“The most exciting part was there are a lot of charities that talk about animal cruelty and use disturbing images that turn people off,” says DDB creative director Shane Bradnick. “We thought, ‘let’s take away what people enjoy about their animals’. It was trying to get as many people to not upload anything cute or funny as much as possible.”

Alongside the website, there were street posters, print ads, TV commercials, PR and billboards in dog parks.

The campaign also used Thunderclap, a social platform that allows users to send a message over Facebook and Twitter at the  same time if the project reaches its goal.

The target was 250 supporters, but that was exceeded by 335 percent, with a reach of 226,000. The entire campaign reached over 2 million people.


Client: Paw Justice
Craig Dunn, Co-founder
Agency: DDB


Andy Fackrell, Executive Creative Director
Shane Bradnick, Creative Director
James Conner, Art Director
Christie Cooper, Copywriter
Jason Vertongen, Digital Designer
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Beat PR:
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