The Compendium: 18 July

A beautiful ad from Ikea that proves there’s no bed like home (vertigo sufferers might want to give this one a miss). 

Nike tries to convince sad Brazilians that there’s more to life than football. 

Neil Patrick Harris struggles to understand the complexities of booze advertising. 

Stella Artois is running a nice campaign based around various perfectionists—and the perfectionists involved in putting together four of the world’s greatest events. Now it’s focusing on The Open, with Ian Poulter showing off his skills. 

Toshiba takes aim at tech ridiculousness—and, by default, itself. 

Hey look, it’s a tiny hedgehog birthday party. 

From the people who brought you ‘First Kiss’ comes the logical follow-up. 

Weird Al Yankovich has been launching a new music video every day this week and ‘Word Crimes’, a parody of ‘Blurred Lines’, is one of the best. 

All hail New Zanada, unfortunate stretcher incidents and 30 glorious bits of graf

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This post was created by one of the small but mighty StopPress team of journalists. Among their number are: Zahra Shahtahmasebi, Niko Kloeten, Penny Murray and occasionally Bernadette Basagre.

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