The Compendium: 15 May

Miami Ad School ESPM gives an example of the exciting life that awaits those who study the creative arts. 

In Your Corner shows how baristas make terrible (or great depending on how you look at it) therapists. 

After some uncertainty from the public over the new Hamburglar, Ronald McDonald and Grimace pick up the “OG [original gangster]Hamburglar” just as he’s getting out of jail in this spec piece. 

Boxer Flex16 attempt to make “Eeeeeeeeh”-worthy decisions a little easier.

People for Bikes shows how cycling can change even the grumpiest of monsters.

Volvo links up with Swedish producer Avicii for new brand campaign.

What happens next?

Heidi Klum’s entrepreneurial streak.

Changyou gives examples of why its okay for parents to ignore their kids for games.

Tennis Australia shows why getting your kids into a sport you can play when you’re old is a good idea.

A scary vision of the future …

And a scary vision of the past.

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This post was created by one of the small but mighty StopPress team of journalists. Among their number are: Zahra Shahtahmasebi, Niko Kloeten, Penny Murray and occasionally Bernadette Basagre.

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