Remember when Cadbury sneakily added palm-oil to its chocolate and decreased the size of its packs? The company got an absolute slamming and its trust levels went through the floor. So it was interesting to see the exact opposite of that response when Whittaker’s put a post on Facebook saying that it would soon have to raise its prices.
Hello Chocolate Lovers…Stock Up!
We wanted you to be the first to know that very soon we unfortunately have to raise our prices.
Why? Our raw materials costs have shot up (cocoa butter for example has risen 104%). But quality is everything to us so using lesser quality ingredients isn’t an option.
And rest assured it is still all made in Porirua, New Zealand
That’s not how it’s supposed to work. Most companies get lambasted for being filthy money-grubbers when they raise their prices. Whittaker’s gets praise for being honest. But that’s what tend to happens when you’re a loved brand. Whittaker’s has well and truly earned its place at the top of the country’s most trusted brands list and it’s done it through a combination of great products, transparency and very savvy marketing. It’s also one of the best brands in the country when it comes to managing its huge 380,000-strong Facebook community. But that’s not just about selling to them, it’s also about communicating. And Whittaker’s has nailed that.