Blurred lines: ASB app responds to consumerisation of business IT

ASB has built a new app for businesses, seeing as much demand for convenient mobile commerce among businesses as among consumers.

Steve Jurkovich, ASB’s executive general manager for commercial, corporate and rural, says during his trips to Silicon Valley companies there talked increasingly about the consumerisation of IT.

“More and more people want to bring their own technology into the workplace,” says Jurkovich. “We started to think more and more about how that blurs the lines between business life and what their personal life is. People don’t really separate that time in their own minds. It was clear businesses were looking for that same convenience but in a different way.”

Jurkovich says the “main pinch point” the app, ASB Mobile Business, had to solve for businesses was the ability to inspect and authorise payments on the go.

The bank’s research shows the other reason business owners and managers log on to banking platforms is to check balances.

ASB plans “regular drops” to increase the app’s functionality over the next 18 months, he says.

These might include the ability to delve into past transactions, manage foreign currency payments and track invoices – along with integration with MYOB and Xero business software.

The app is being advertised with travellers in mind – ASB is using billboards, posters at the airport and in flight magazines.

ASB’s Mobile Banking app for consumers is available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone devices.

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