Google Reader is dead, but here are some handy alternatives

Bad news for millions of people (including a few in StopPress office judging by the weeping in the corner) – Google Reader is no longer. The news aggregation and RSS tool is to be axed in July, according to Google.

Fear not folks, there are alternatives on the web. With a bit of export/import action you can have your feeds up and running in no time with one of these fine services:


Netvibes will feel the most familiar to Reader users, it even looks a bit like Google’s creation in some parts. Premium users have access to different types of analytics and collaboration tools.


For a better aesthetic experience with your RSS, Feedly uses large images and tiles to display the news. It’s available on the web and through apps for iOS and Android.


Another quick and easy feed tool that’s a breeze to set up. It even has a direct importing function to replicate your setup on Reader.


The quintessential (and free) RSS app for Windows. Does what it says out of the box.

How to export your Google Reader feed:

1. Log in to Google

2. Go to Google’s data freedom service, Takeout

3. Hit ‘create archive’

4. Wait for reader to compile a .ZIP file, which contains an OPML feed you can upload to other services.

What do you use to keep your feeds organised?

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