
Ads of the week: 8 March

Who’s it for: HRV by Y&R

Why we like it: It seems like HRV has attempted to channel Toy Story in its latest spot. And it’s done quite a good job of it too. And after all, toys are going to be home more than humans right. So if anyone (or thing) is going to benefit from home ventilation it’s them. Kidding, kidding. These cute characters HRV used have widespread appeal and serve as a reminder that it’s kids and families that benefit most from warm, dry, healthy homes.

Who’s it for: DOC and Toyota by Saatchi & Saatchi

Why we like it: We like how the spot tries to get kids out into nature by making exploring the outdoors look like an exciting, movie-worthy adventure. We think the use of animated creatures, the epic scenery and the stirring, orchestral soundtrack might just be enough to get Kiwi kids off the couch, away from their screens and out into the wilderness. 

Who’s it for: Monteith’s by Colenso BBDO

Why we like it: The concept is a simple, yet effective way of promoting Monteith’s ‘Beer Back Guarantee’, where punters can essentially trade in their beer for another in the Monteith’s range if it’s not to their taste. After the bemused looking bartender pours the hop thirsty protagonist a drink he takes a big gulp and sighs with satisfaction before saying ‘Nah’, opting for another, and another. We like the southern feel of the ad, the cheeky beer drinker and the to-the-point execution. Who’s thirsty?

Why do we give you coffee grinds for your compost? Because giant strides start with small steps.

Posted by Z Energy on Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Who’s it for: Z Energy by Assignment Group and Robber’s Dog

Why we like it: First of all, we like that Z Energy is pushing sustainability, and is practicing what it’s preaching. This spot is a neat little iteration of Z’s attempt to be more environmentally friendly by recycling its coffee grinds, bagging them up and then giving them to customers for their compost. 

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This post was created by one of the small but mighty StopPress team of journalists. Among their number are: Zahra Shahtahmasebi, Niko Kloeten, Penny Murray and occasionally Bernadette Basagre.

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