Clemenger BBDO and Resn stand proudly on One Show Interactive podium

DraftFCB dominated the analogue section of the One Show Awards with a good haul of metal, and in the interactive section, Clemenger BBDO and Resn were the only Kiwi agencies to get the nod. 

NZTA’s ‘Flash’ game by Clemenger BBDO and Resn took a bronze pencil in interactive advertising/public service, as well as a merit in branded content.

As it says in the case study: “Young guys love driving fast, even though they know speed can kill. The problem is, they simply don’t believe it’ll happen to them. We made sure it did. We seduced them with something we knew they’d be in to: a new online racing game. To personalise, players were asked to sign in with Facebook. The race begins. It’s fast and furious. We stack on the pressure, and they stack on the speed. As the needle creeps up, it gets harder to stay in control. The car swerves and crashes. Suddenly, the player’s life flashes before their eyes: Friends, family and special moments. As the screen fades to black, the words ‘You only get one life. Slow down.’ appear. Players were not able to play again. In the first month, thousands of young guys saw their lives flash before their eyes and were reminded of the consequence of driving fast.” 

Resn’s ’Never Stop, Never Settle‘ for Hennessy with Droga5 NYC took a bronze pencil in craft for sound design. And Resn also received a merit for its REI 1440 project with BBDO/Atlanta in user experience/design. 

“It’s always an honour to make great projects, with great people, representing one of the coolest countries north of Antarctica,” says Resn’s director of business development Matt Walsh. “Oh, and the websites are pretty cool too.” 

The One Show Entertainment awards round out this year’s festivities and winners will be announced on 13 June in Los Angeles. 

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