Lindauer drowns in men’s sorrows with the fountain of tears

Lindauer and DDB’s recent tear jerker created a bit of a stir when it was released, with some seeing it as low hanging sexist fruit and others (particularly the female target market) seeing it as hyperbolic and comical. But the piece de resistance of the over the top campaign was a champagne tower that was filled with salty male tears* during the 30 Days of Fashion and Beauty Style Weekend at the Cloud.

Mango Communications and DDB NZ worked together to produce and activate the installation, which saw the TVC suspended over a four metre high champagne fountain. Constructed from nearly 2,000 champagne saucers, a hidden irrigation system cried from the base of the two TV screens, flowing down to be captured within the fountain.

As the release says: “With over 2,500 glasses of Lindauer poured over the weekend it was the perfect opportunity for the 5,000 mostly female attendees to enjoy a drink together and share the toast ‘Here’s to us’.”

*While the release said “real tears”, what they really mean is “fake tears”. 

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