Knowledge wave washes over New Zealand as TEDx and TVNZ team up

In a world-first for the global phenomenon that is TED, New Zealand’s own TEDx event, which is taking place on Sunday at Westlake Boys High School campus in Auckland, will be streamed live in partnership with TVNZ 7.

Previously, TED has prevented live streaming of its renowned talks due to its status as a not-for-profit and its philosophy of promoting ideas as opposed to commerce. But the deal was struck due to the non-commercial nature of TVNZ 7.

The streaming of the inspirational and innovative ideas being presented by the 15 or so big-brained idea-peddlers will be shared over the internet in real time at from 10am, with highlights of the event broadcast on TVNZ 7 at a later date.

The annual TED conferences are devoted to “ideas worth spreading”. And Auckland’s TEDx event (the x stands for independently run) is a collaboration between Richard Hollingum, who owns the rights to host the event in New Zealand and is also the  Director of Doing at the Department of Doing, and TVNZ 7.

“This year’s TEDxAuckland talks are focused on two very powerful words – ‘What If?'” says Hollingum. “Gathering to be inspired by great ideas is one thing, but where it really starts to get interesting, and exciting, is when we can start to put those ideas into action and begin to see real change and progress.”

TVNZ 7’s channel manager Philippa Mossman says the channel is about different perspectives, sharing ideas and informing and inspiring. So it’s a natural fit and she’s happy to be able to bring the event to the TV screens, both through the live streaming of the actual event and through the programmes.

In keeping with the TED format, the day will bring together people from three worlds: technology, entertainment and design, with 15 performances and other multimedia surprises from fascinating thinkers and doers, each lasting no longer than 18 minutes.

Everyone involved (live participants, simulcast watchers in the ‘Westlakers Tent’ and remotely-located webstream viewers) will be encouraged to discuss the ideas and themes that develop throughout the day. And these will be documented in real time and online via aggregated social media commentary.

Of course, watching it on your computer isn’t quite as good as actually being there, so for those who want to see all the action in person, tickets are still available here. And for a taste of what could be on offer, you can relive the memories by watching the presentation of TBWA’s executive creative director Andy Blood from last year’s event.

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