Contagion’s Tom Bates shares key trends coming out of SXSW including social messaging as the new brand frontier, the search for uniqueness and realness in an age of mass content production and of course, virtual reality.
Contagion’s Tom Bates shares key trends coming out of SXSW including social messaging as the new brand frontier, the search for uniqueness and realness in an age of mass content production and of course, virtual reality.
Contagion’s Tom Bates had a chat with Jucy’s Zoe Macfarlane who has been driving the company’s marketing and business management in LA.
Contagion’s Tom Bates caught up with Wellington-born Paul Noble-Campbell, who, somewhat unusually around this time of year, identifies as a local of Austin, Texas, working as a partner and customer experience innovation consultant at Upstream.
In what has been something of an annual pilgrimage over the last few years, Contagion’s social influence director Tom Bates headed to the SXSW festival again this year. And during the early part of his visit, he caught up Contagion alumus Firtha Hookway for a brief chat on what she’s been up to and what she thinks marketing and advertising types should be focusing on in 2016.
Contagion’s Tom Bates pinpoints some of the early key trends emerging at the event.
StopPress’ SXSW correspondent Tom Bates (from Contagion) is once again on the ground at the event and chatting to some interesting people along the way. He recently bumped into New Plymouth-born Dan Radcliffe, the executive director of International Volunteer HQ, and asked him a few questions about his organisation.
Contagion’s Tom Bates went to hang with the geeks and soak up the knowledge at SXSW Interactive in Austin, Texas, recently. And while he was there he caught up with a few expat Kiwis doing big things, like Tessa Gould.
For the past week, Contagion’s Tom Bates has been hangin’ with the geeks and soaking up the knowledge at SXSW Interactive in Austin, Texas. And while he was there he caught up with a few expat Kiwis doing big things. First up, Sarah Robb O’Hagan.
Contagion’s Tom Bates got his hands on a pair of Google Glasses at this year’s SXSW, and the experience led him to think about the future of wearable tech and the various options currently avaialble on the market.
Contagion’s Tom Bates headed to the #ArtCopyCode session with Google’s marketers at SXSW. So here are some practical examples of how they help brands bring data and insight to life in today’s digital world.
The opening keynote at SXSW in Austin, Texas, features some heavy hitters. Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google, joins Jared Cohen, director of Google Ideas and Steven Levy, senior writer at Wired, for a debate on the next few years in the digital world. Contagion’s Tom Bates is there to find out what’s next and whether privacy is gone forever.
Sean Parker, founder of Napster and an early investor in Facebook and Spotify, is a figurehead in the digital revolution of the past 15 years. In the wake of his new documentary Downloaded, which tells the story of the controversial music sharing service, Contagion’s Tom Bates pulls up a chair to hear his view on how we got to where we are now, how the world has changed and how to move forward.
What’s been happening at SXSW so far? Here’s a little recap courtesy of the people soaking up the vast array of topics—from humanity innovation to brand engagement in new media.
Tom Bates fought his way through the throngs of hipsters taking photos of their food to attend Mashable’s Variety Show at SXSW. And from transparent screens to native advertising to Nyan Cat, he got a taste of the future.
Our intrepid honorary reporter Tom Bates of Contagion is at SXSW in Austin, Texas – looking into what trends from the world of marketing, media and advertising might affect us in New Zealand this year. Former US vice president and climate change activist Al Gore is up first, talking about the forces shaping the world today. Join us at 10:30am for the liveblog.
In an increasingly digital world, speed is of the essence. And Tom Bates says modern agencies need to think agile if they want to keep up.
The media landscape has been transformed and fragmented by the power of digital, mobile and social technology. And it’s increasingly difficult to work out a plan to get traction for brands in this new, less certain environment. Contagion’s Tom Bates looks at three areas worthy of focus for modern-day marketers.