Fast paste: Phantom gets creative to promote big new site

There’s been some major consolidation in the outdoor sector of late. APN bought Oggi and submissions are currently open should you want to have your say to the Commerce Commission about iSite’s bid to buy OTW. But while the big two fight it out, the smaller guys keep trucking on and Phantom Billstickers has added one of the country’s premier street poster sites at the corner of Symonds and Alex Evans St in Auckland to its arsenal. And it’s kicked it off with a nice bit of creative self-promotion.

“We’ve launched it with this simple, but eye catching install to highlight the versatility of billstickers for spectacular outside the square installations,” says Robin McDonnell. “For this one we used a simple one colour print, existing street posters and old school wheat paste techniques. Keep an eye on the site over the coming weeks as the billsticker moves along the frame, pasting up interesting posters along the way.”

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