It was a dark and stormy night… Sugar and BNZ embrace story time with a difference

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They say everyone’s got a book in them. And most of them should stay there, say others. But to encourage entries into the 2011 BNZ literary awards and get in front of different kinds of people, Sugar brought writing to life with a nice little ambient media stunt that projected real-time stories onto buildings in Aotea Square. And they did it all with a budget of around $10,000. 

The square and the passersby became the inspiration for close to 300 story starters, with onlookers being woven into the narrative by a team of writers in a hidden location (for example, “It had been a perfect night for show tunes and the only question the remained was which flavour of gelato to acquire”; “Maria pretended to be absorbed in the drama unfolding on her phone. She liked to think this made her invisible”; “The phone conversation that had begun nearly half an hour earlier continued with great passion, and much pacing’; and “Glenda always loved the theatre. Bryan, not so much.”)

Previously known as The Katherine Mansfield Awards, BNZ has been sponsoring the prestigious short story competition for more than 50 years.

Music by Great North.


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