Year in Review: Marnie Jane Samphier, Holden

In keeping with an ongoing tradition, a few industry players gave us their take on the year for our annual opinion harvest. Here’s what Marnie Jane Samphier, the general manager of marketing at Holden New Zealand, thought about 2014.

1. Favourite local campaign that isn’t yours

Has to be Tui Catch A Million, hands down. Not only did it intrinsically connect Tui as a sponsor, it added to the consumer experience, got everyone talking (media, public, commentators) and it also reinvigorated the kiwi love affair with cricket. That’s a massive contribution for a sponsor to deliver to a sponsored organisation.

2. Favourite campaign that is yours

Our 60 Years Loyal campaign 

This is the campaign I’ve wanted to deliver for Holden since I joined the company many years ago. Holden has such a rich and proud history in New Zealand, and through our 60 Years Loyal campaign we facilitated the telling of more than 1400 Holden stories.  It was a truly humbling experience to read the stories and watch the videos, and to see how much love and respect people have for the Holden brand. It’s a marketer’s dream, and that campaign is definitely a highlight in my marketing career.

3. Favourite international campaign

That’s a tough one. I don’t recall many truly great campaigns from around the world this year. But the one that makes me smile every time I watch it is Johnnie Walker Blue Label, ‘The Gentleman’s Wager’ 

‘Marketing Content’ is such a buzz phrase at the moment, and this execution certainly shows how it should be done. It’s entertaining and delivers against the brand. It stays true to the values of Johnnie Walker and therefore adds weight to the brand rather than being a distraction. 

4. Least favourite campaign

Telecom Giganaire.  I think they missed the mark in terms of right message to right audience—and delivered in a genuine way.

5. Your own biggest success

It was so exciting to pick up the TVNZ 2014 Marketing Award for Automotive. Whilst our business results are more important to us than award recognition, it’s certainly nice to get the industry acknowledgement for our hugely successful VF Commodore launch, and to recognise the efforts and contributions of our agency partners.  What surprised us was that this same campaign didn’t even make the cut for Effie nominations, particularly in light of its unbelievable result in achieving 15 percent YOY growth in a declining segment. But I guess that’s the fickle nature of awards!

6. Favourite TV show

Gotta love Jono and Ben. They’re so irreverent and silly. It’s hard not to laugh!

7. Favourite artist

I’m totally awestruck by Lorde. Such amazing talent, and so in control of her brand and how that’s presented. It’s a far cry from my 18 year old self!

8. Favourite App

Pandora. It’s really broadened my taste in music. I particularly love the “Hipster Cocktail Party” station and “Mr Probz”. And the best thing is that Pandora is an integrated App in our Holden MyLink Infotainment, so you can seamlessly interact with Pandora on the touchscreen in your car. 

9. Most ridiculous buzzword

Big Data. It’s still data!

10. Best innovation

I’m not much into fishing (requires far too much patience for me) but a friend was telling me about Precision Seafood Harvesting recently. It’s a revolutionary fishing technology that does away with traditional trawl nets, and it just picked up the Supreme NZ Innovator Award 2014. If you haven’t heard about it check it out.

11. Most over-hyped ‘innovation’

iPhone6 plus. It’s just a bigger and upgraded mobile phone, isn’t it?

12. Best brands

In terms of established brands Tip Top and Tui have stayed so true to their brand values over a long period of time. It’s inspiring. And I love what Boundary Road have created in terms of their brand position.

13. Best stoush

This one goes to the Politicians – John Key vs Kim Dotcom. I wonder who’s got the movie rights?!

14. Heroes

John Key – I LOVE this guy!  Ever so slightly awkward, but not afraid to laugh at himself – it’s such a great quality. And he’s smart too! And my two gorgeous girls are also my heroes. They’re so confident and gorgeous and clever – and I learn something from them every day.

15. Villains

 Kim Dotcom – what more needs to be said?!

 16. Predictions for 2015

 Another year of unrivalled growth for Holden … and here’s to 60 more!

  • According to Font’s recent survey, 43 percent of marketing professionals in New Zealand are looking to change jobs next year and 65 percent will be re-evaluating career plans over the Christmas period. So check out some of the roles Font has on offer here and have a gander at the infographic based on the survey results here. ​

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