Year in Review: Dan Wright, Colenso BBDO

1. Favourite local campaign that isn’t yours

Soul Machines. Whilst it’s not technically a campaign, the work that they’re making by bringing technology to life is world class.

2. Favourite campaign that is yours

Spark Kupu. Encouraging people to take photos of everyday objects to see or hear the Māori translation. It was brilliant to work with a whole bunch of different partners to bring this campaign to life, and the whole team are really excited to see how this is affecting New Zealand culture already. 

3. Favourite international campaign

The Palau Pledge. It tackles a problem that really isn’t going away – unsustainable tourism. And as a universal problem, I always tend to like solutions that can be scaled. The insight to turn what’s often thought of as a collective need into a personal choice – to make sustainability a more desirable option – was magic.

4. Least favourite campaign

There’s never a least favourite. Only a learning. And so my best success out of failure is KFC’s brilliant response to a series of criticism about their fries on Twitter. Always plan for the haters. 

5. Your own biggest success

Well 2018 isn’t finished yet, so there’s still time to pull something out of the bag… 

6. Most significant launch/innovation/thing of the year

Post-It Extreme Notes. No words can describe the dexterity of really tough sticky notes.

7. What should be un-invented?


8. Lamest trend

Influencers. They make our job so simple, and yet so tough. 

9. Best brands

Bodyform. Cutting through with the truth about periods is a delicate task. They nailed it.

10. Best stoush

I’m a lover, not a fighter. So my best romance goes to Ally and Jackson Maine in A Star Is Born. A beautiful, if not hard-hitting, tale.

11. Heroes

Jacinda. Legend. 

12. Villains

Can I vote Trump twice? No? OK. Thanos. 

13. What died in 2018?

Stan Lee. A true creative.

14. What’s the biggest mistake marketers will make in 2019?

Talking about being customer-centric whilst remaining product-centric.

15. How far in our future do you think The Handmaid’s Tale is?

I like to hold on to the hope that humanity won’t go back to this. And as humans, it is actually our call. Come on humans. Let’s (not) do this!

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