StopPress and Getty Images present ‘The Content Marketing Picture’

Content is de riguer at the moment. And while there’s plenty of action in this area, there’s also plenty to learn. So, to help with that, StopPress is hosting an event next week for those looking to get a flavour of the latest thinking on content marketing. 

The Content Marketing Picture—organised in partnership with co-hosts Getty Images and TVNZ—will take place at the Spark Conference Centre in Auckland, Tuesday 5 May, from 5.00pm.

The event is open to StopPress readers at a nominal fee of $29, on a first come, first served basis. Be in quick because tickets are limited.

Part of the event will be a panel discussion on content marketing – covering everything from content marketing strategy, to distribution, to how to measure success. 

The panel of speakers will include Lyndsey Francis, general manager of media solutions at TVNZ, Jacqueline Bourke, global planning manager at Getty Images, John Baker, director content creation at Tangible Media, Cass Avery, executive producer at Augusto and more!

The conversation will be moderated by StopPress associate publisher Ben Fahy.

Bourke will also discuss global best practice in engaging consumers using visual content.

We will have light refreshments available on arrival.

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This post was created by one of the small but mighty StopPress team of journalists. Among their number are: Zahra Shahtahmasebi, Niko Kloeten, Penny Murray and Rachel Tsai.

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