Land of the free

Independence Day is a marketing free-for-all in the US. And a whole range of brands aim to tap into the patriotic fervour. But this clip, from humour collective The Kids Table, gets to the nub of the modern, foolish, hypocritical and apathetic Western human condition better than any of them with a dose of humorous ‘truthiness’. As it says, “it’s pretty hard to care about wire taps, drone strikes, and the government eroding the rights we fought for centuries ago when you’ve got an ice cold beer in your hand”. 

  • Saucy language warning. 

And speaking of Independence Day, cheeky UK brewer Newcastle is also getting in on the act, coming up with an entirely new holiday called Indepedence Eve that celebrates all the British things the Americans gave up. And, on the same tip, here’s a cartoon from The Oatmeal showing the differences between UK and US accents. 

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