It’s business time

Uber, the ultimate disruptor, proven perhaps by the increasingly frequent reference of other tech innovations being dubbed as “The Uber of [insert tech innovation]”. And, it’s easy to see why. Recent results show Uber for business travel is doing extremely well with several companies jumping aboard the Uber bandwagon/cab.

Uber has released some stats around business travel which show in a year it has over 50,000 companies enrolled, with Uber for business trips having taken place in 291 cities and 58 countries.

Forty percent of trips have taken place in international “Uber” cities, the top four being: London, Mexico City, Paris and Toronto, with New York being the most popular city for business travel among Uber riders.

And, the number of miles travelled is the equivalent to 25 trips to the moon.

According to Uber over 28 percent of riders have taken an Uber in more than one city with some of its busiest travellers taking rides in up to 37 cities, phew!

Companies are also saving on average over $1000 annually.

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