Interest grows in adhub

From 1 April 2012 APN Online’s adhub will solely represent – NZ’s premium source of financial information. The website is one of New Zealand’s biggest online publishing successes, with many of its video presenters and journalists, like the esteemed Bernard Hickey, now key commentators on everything financial, from mortgage rates to personal finance. The site has a solid stable of advertisers and an ever-increasing, loyal fan-base. has been represented by the Trade Me advertising team since 1 May 2009.

Yael Milbank, head of adverting at Trade Me said: “Bernard Hickey and his team do a great job, but it’s a good time for us to go our separate ways as our primary focus is on Trade Me’s core advertising business and the further development of our behavioural targeting products.”’s Bernard Hickey said: “We provide a lot of sophisticated data and market insights to our users absolutely free, so advertising revenue is very important to us. Adhub has great relationships in the market and it makes sense to partner with them as the largest local network in New Zealand. Trade Me has done an excellent job for us, but we’re very excited to see how a specialist third-party sales agency like adhub can grow our advertising revenue even further, through strong publishing and advertising partnerships and exciting technology enhancements like behavioural targeting.”

Adhub’s Josh Borthwick said: “We’re very excited to have in our stable. We already have some fantastic arrangements in place to target high-net-worth individuals and further boosts that arsenal so we can better serve our advertisers.”

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