Frucor Suntory and Phantom Labs torture street posters for new V campaign

Frucor Suntory has launched V’s new Tortured Orchard product through distressed street posters via The Phantom Lab.

To promote the raspberry and lemonade flavour, Phantom Billstickers was given the brief was to “torture and disrupt” the street poster format.

The result is nine customised frames, painted in the V Tortured Orchard colours that look as if they have been tortured, smashed apart, and sewn back together with barbed wire, framing plates and old nails.

The street posters can be seen in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

John Alexander, senior brand manager of V Energy, says working with media agency OMD, it briefed in Phantom Billstickers and asked the team to bring the tortured aspect from the poster creative to life.

“Phantom delivered in spades by creating a bespoke ‘tortured’ frame that encapsulated the feel of the new product while also creating a level of tactility to engage and entertain passers-by

On V Energy NZ’s Facebook page a short video shows a lemon being cut open and raspberries and raspberry juice pouring out. It then reveals a V can with the needle stuck through the middle. 


Client: Frucor Suntory
Agency: OMD
Phantom Labs: Ben Stonyer & Roosje van der Werff

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