The Compendium: 19 December

South Korea, the nation that brought us the vampire classic Bakjwi (Thirst), has now shifted its attention to zombies with a new ad that transforms young Snickers eaters into members of the undead. 

If during these warmer months you crave the crackle of fire but aren’t willing to sweat for it, then you can always get Netflix to provide the ambience without the burn.

And here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to produce such cinematic magic.

While the bystander effect continues to preclude many from acting in the face of injustice, there are thankfully some who refuse to let their silence make them passively complicit in bigotry.      

The drunken bard’s poetry is given an eerie and poignant makeover with rugged animation.


Jerry Seinfeld, who collaborated with Boston ad agency Mullen on this eight-part campaign, found inspiration for the scripts in the copywriting that was used in car adverts from the ’60s and ’70s.

For every fifty million teenagers that forget that they exist beyond their smartphone screens, there’s one (maybe not even one) who is creating a video to give thanks to his family. Since Apple was the first to find one, we can only presume that Samsung is going to have busy Christmas hunting for someone equally adept in the art of heart warming.

Kevin Bacon reinvents himself as Melvin Macon in an elaborate infomercial-style campaign that encourages people to help the world, and by the world we mean the whole world. 

The deep quadricep burn associated with mountainous inclines on the way to work might be a thing of the past thanks to the innovative Danish.

The horrors of parenting are concisely summarised in this 60-second Argentinean spot that could just as easily have doubled as a Durex condom commercial. 

Amy Poehler takes to the streets to get people into the Christmas spirit. The only problem is that her approach might be a little too brash to generate the enthusiasm she was hoping for.

And from joyous melodies in the streets, we go to a much darker place.

Jaguar feeds the Mercedes chicken to a hungry, spotted feline.   

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This post was created by one of the small but mighty StopPress team of journalists. Among their number are: Zahra Shahtahmasebi, Niko Kloeten, Penny Murray and occasionally Bernadette Basagre.

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