Browsing: louis sutherland

We’d like to thank the Academy

You might know them as the directors of the uber-summery, very New Zealandy commercials for Tip Top and the Interislander. But before Louis Sutherland and Mark Albiston sold their souls to the Sweet Shop and got into directing ads, they made a couple of short films. And their last effort, the Six Dollar Fifty Man, has made the Academy Awards long-list.

‘Tis the season for ice creamy cohesion

Next year is the 75th anniversary of Tip Top. So, as part of the celebrations that are sure to come in the new year (and to herald the arrival of the prime time ice cream consumption period sometimes known as summer), Colenso BBDO and up and coming Sweet Shop directors Mark Albiston and Louis Sutherland have gone to town—and country—and made eight almost documentary style, nostalgia-inducing commercials that are filled to bursting with all the ingredients of the classic Kiwi summer.