
Gratuitous animated sexual inyourendo changes Sesame Street forever

We always seem to be dishing out warnings for our raunchy videos (you marcomms folk are so precious) and, once again, we’re heading swiftly down the slippery slope towards the lowest common denominator this week. There’s gyrating, thrusting, writhing and exploding. But it’s also an amazingly well-made, clever and very funny little animated musical number for Tahuna Breaks that was directed and illustrated by the disgusting Leah Morgan, edited and animated by the filthy Morten Leirkjaer and produced by the depraved Fish N Clips in Auckland. You’ll never look at Sesame St the same way again (it’s been removed from YouTube, but you can watch it here).

At the coalface of the internet: how comments are made. Warning: c-words, f-bombs and other horrible language included.

The vicious psycho dog man whose scary barking won the hearts and minds of the internet.

For some pedant therapy, whenever someone misplaces an apostrophe or joins together two words that shouldn’t be joined together, think of the Alot.

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