
Cadbury claims Colmar Brunton March Ad Impact Award

March saw another great selection of new ads but there can only be one winner of the Colmar Brunton Ad Impact Award and this month it’s Cadbury with its latest ‘There’s a glass and a half in everyone’ sopt.

The TVC, made by Cadbury, presents an elderly lady doing chores in her garden where she is continuously interrupted by errant objects flying onto her property. The lady returns the frisbee, the soccer ball and the other toys back over the fence to her next-door neighbours. On the last occasion the two culprits, a pair of young boys, toss her a block of Cadbury chocolate out of appreciation.

According to Colmar Brunton, there are three key reasons behind its Ad Impact Award win:

1. Branding

2. Enjoyment

3. Engagement

See the below infographic for more information about March’s Colmar Brunton Ad Impact Award:

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