
Animated genitalia! Kiwi anthem! Cunning stunt! Five second films! Chips! Warnings!

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Penis graffiti and prophylactics collide head-on. Warning: animated genitalia with human characteristics and raunchy cartoon sex scenes involved (speaking of genitalia, check out this, perhaps apocryphal, tale of an Italian power company with an unfortunate name).

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If we ever get a new flag, surely Justin Brown’s patriotic wee ditty could be a contender for new national anthem. Warning: truths laid bare.

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Elaborate Heineken stunt tricks Italian men into going to boring musical thing with WAGs and professors, when all they really want to do is watch an exciting sporting thing with other men. Warning: long.

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The top 20 five second films. Warning: adult themes like murder, f bombs and sexual harassment included.

The Chip Shop Awards have extended their deadline to 26 March. They’re all about unbridled, sometimes borderline creativity and you can even make up you own category. Check out some of the gems from last year’s competition here. Warning: mostly from the UK.

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