Browsing: Tom Paine

The tyranny of distance: Y&R pair make ears bleed, win Orca

There’s been a bit of coverage recently around mouthwash being ‘a disaster’ for health’, with those who swill increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Turns out ads for mouthwash can sometimes have the same effect, if Tom Paine and Carlos Savage’s Orca-winning campaign for Colgate Plax is any guide.

Y&R mans its impressive new fort

Over the past year and a bit, Y&R NZ has been undergoing something of a transformation (as its logo said, ‘re-est. 2012’). And, along with a new brand, new sub-brands and a swanky new office in the Auckland CBD, there have also been a host of changes to the staff roster in recent months.

June ORCA dished out, second round of digi-award shouted about

The months are obviously getting closer together: the May winners of the ORCA’s were announced last week as The Radio Bureau did a bit of catching up. And the June certificates have also been handed out, with Karl Fleet and Tom Paine from Colenso BBDO taking out the top prize for their V Pocket Rocket Campaign for Frucor. Feast your ears on the June winning effort here.