Browsing: Honesty Box

Is honesty the best policy? Boundary Road Brewery’s trying to find out

Stolen from your mum’s purse? Relieved yourself in a swimming pool? Told someone that, no, they don’t look fat in that? Boundary Road and Barnes, Catmur & Friends are looking questioningly at you. And a new ‘scientific’ online survey seeks to gauge Kiwi honesty, with a campaign asking cider-drinkers or free-stuff-sifters to answer 15 questions in The Great Kiwi Honesty Test and win a season’s* worth of the new bevvie, Honesty Box Cider.

Send in your doppelgängers and collect massive booty

Apparently, it’s doppelgänger week, where Facebook users are encouraged to change their profile photo to someone they’ve been mistaken for. But it’s always doppelgänger week at StopPress. We are shameless in our pursuit of lookalikes (and men who look like old lesbians), so send in your best stunt doubles/doppelgängers/uncanny resemblers, either of yourself, famous people or unsuspecting friends and family, and the best of the bunch will be plied with amazing prizes.